The Department for policies for persons with disabilities


The Department supports the Minister for disabilities in the promotion and coordination of the Government's action in the field of disability.

The Department takes care of the interventions connected to the implementation of the policies aimed at guaranteeing the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in order to ensure their full and effective participation and social inclusion, as well as their autonomy, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The Department carries out the preliminary activities related to the adoption of acts, including regulatory ones, in the field of disability.

The Department takes care of the preliminary activity for the purpose of promoting agreements aimed at fostering the coordination between the different levels of governance of the social, health and educational services and services.

The Department deals with  institutional information and communication in the matters of its competence, including the spread of positive actions and best practices.

The Department ensures government representation in the relevant national, European and international bodies and provides the required support to the political authority in international actrivities realted to disability.

The Department promotes in collaboration with ISTAT and INPS the collection of data concerning people with disabilities and deals with requests concerning questions or reports on the condition of disability. It also promotes and coordinates studies and researchs, and provides opinions on the request for legal support to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in matters of disability.

The Department promotes constant dialogue with disability associations.

Head of the Department:

Mr. Antonio Caponetto
Phone: 06 6779 5340

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